simplify, save money and keep partners happy
PortoFormia™ Mobile Markup was created with the biller in mind. Now you have command and control of a more efficient, transparent, secure and accurate pre-bill process.
Imagine each pre-bill as a PDF rather than clumsy paper, delivered instantaneously any time of day or week. No more duplication, faxing, emailing. No more multiple copies to reconcile.
Imagine that you could determine the route of your pre-bills, configured the most efficient way for you, through the review and markup process.
What if all parties in the review process could work in the same environment, so that all edits and annotations could be seen by all?
What if you could color-code each pre-bill, making its status crystal clear: blue for submitted proformas, green for those under short-time review, orange and red for PDFs that had been longer in processing, for at-a-glance accountability?
What if you could know the complete history of any record, seeing the work queue meticulously tracked—every edit, every annotation, every note cataloged with user-identification, showing "approved by" and "when"? What if that history was permanently archived?
We know the billing process inside and out. When it is easier to complete proformas, attorneys are far more likely to get the process completed, eliminating costly delays.
Simplify the billing process. Save money. Make partners happy. Give yourself peace of mind.
Contact us for a demonstration or more information about PortoFormia™.